New Beginning and New Travels

I'm thrilled to finally announced that I am a registered dietitian!

Going back to school for a career shift was one of the best decisions I ever made, and to be able to squeeze in some travel time was the icing on the cake.

My academic journey was arduous yet rewarding! The late nights of solitary confinement to study for exams and write papers were the low points. But knowing that I'll be traveling once finals were done was what pulled me through. Between semesters and quarters I was able to go to East Africa, Egypt, South America, Turkey, New Orleans, and a handful of camping trips in California, Utah and Arizona.

Realizing I wouldn't be able to glob trot as easily once settling into a "career" I invested in a repertoire of camping equipment. Another awesome decision!

The weekend after passing my exam, I packed my fuel efficient car and drove up north for a camping trip. I wasn't exactly sure how many days I wanted to spend at first but the entire trip lasted 6 days with 3 nights of camping.

Day 1...
I left Orange County at around 12 pm. Spent the night in San Jose to break up the drive to Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Day 2...
I arrived at the South Entrance of Lassen Volcanic National Park, explored the park and set up camp. To read about my itinerary and see some photos click here.

Day 3...
Another day in Lassen.

Day 4...
Drove to Mount Shasta City and camped at Castle Lake Campground. I hike from Castle Lake to Heart Lake and swam in the cold waters of Castle Lake. 

Day 5...
I drove up to Redwoods National and State Parks area where I reserved a campsite at Del Norte Campground. 

Day 6...
Drove to the Bay Area to break up the drive back home. On the way I stopped by Campovida Winery in Hopland.

Day 7...
Ughh the long drive back home. 
