Ecuador: Mindo to Quito to Canoa

Day 5: Tubing and Frog Concert in Mindo
We're going tubing
Mindo offers recreational activities such as zip lining, tubing, and rafting.  But being the the lazy cheapskate that I am, I only partook in tubing for $6. It was the perfect activity for me. All was required was to sit on an inflatable tube that was connected to 6 other inflatable tubes. The same evening I attended the heavily advertised Frog Concert. After doing research about the event with the catchy title, I learned that the Frog Concert wasn't actually a concert. It is a nocturnal tour of Hotel Mindo Lago's forest grounds and its wildlife. It starts on a bridge that runs over two lakes which are full of lily pads, frogs and toads. Although the Frog Concert is not an actual concert, it was worth the $5 to learn about the native frogs and insects.

Frog Concert.....5.00
Total expenses: 28.50

Day 6: Bus back to Quito then onward to Canoa
Canoa overcast
My group of 3 travelers became 5 on the 11 am bus back to Quito. From there we killed time at Minka Hostel before catching the 11:30 pm bus to Canoa. For dinner we had nasty Chinese food for $2 a plate. For some of the fellas in the group, it was fulfilling. For me, it was pure grossness.  Taking the Trole bus line going south, we arrived at the Quitumbre bus station an hour and a half before the Canoa bus departure.  When we inquired for tickets at the Reino del Camino busline window, the lady told us that the bus was completely full and the next one to Canoa was 8 am the next day.  Using our improvising travel skills, we decided to catch a bus to Manta, than catch another bus to Canoa. After 12 hours of transit and 4 buses, we finally made it to Canoa without incident.

Bus fares...17.00
Total: 22.55

Day 7: Beach time and Canoa
Canoa and Montinita are the 2 most popular beach towns of Ecuador that are known for partying and surf. I chose the former instead of the latter for its more low key reputation. I hate to break the news but I was not impressed with Canoa.  The overcast weather didn't bother me as much as the atmosphere. This town has a weird vibe that's hard to describe. Originally I envisioned myself staying here for at least a week. However I find that my beach time would be better spent on the Galapagos. The sea breeze is lovely, but I can't say the same for the beach. It's nice, but it's not postcard material. 

Total: 23.80

Day 8: Restless and getting bored in Canoa
The art of hammock laying
After spending 2 nights in this town, I decided to book my hotel for a 3rd. Mistake! Sure I can try to cancel it but the hotel owner is so nice that I don't want to rescind my stay. It's Saturday night and the town is filled with weekenders from Quito.  Turns out this night was actually boring despite being more populated than the night before.  Nevertheless it was a fun kind of boring that was better spent people watching than dancing.

total: 26.20

Final Thoughts...
Mindo is tranquil and beautifully lush. But damn is it dead at night. With only 2 bars (both virtually empty) in towns, I can hear the sound of boredom. I think 2 days in this place is enough, unless you're an avid bird watcher or would like a quiet place to marinade for days.

Canoa on the other hand, is livelier, but not really my flavor. Although I am enjoying myself with a fun group of people, I'm itching to get out.
Clarita from Mindo
