Pre-finals stress crunch and day dreaming of traveling

The winter quarter of my 2nd year in grad school is waning down and I'm indulging more into stress eating as I stay up during odd hours. I don't have the stamina to stay up super late or wake up super early to study but the other night I managed to stay up until 4am.

I have 4 Powerpoint presentations next week and 3 papers to work on.

I hope I make it out alive when the quarter is over!

Here's my week in and kitties of course!

Mimi the feral cat who won't leave my house

I discovered the most delicious sake cocktail! Peach-flavored

Reject loves to stalk

Capturing Rumi's beautiful eyes

A typical brain meal during study sessions

First and only storm of the year, and he can't go out

Getting detoxified at my favorite taqueria, Mi Casa in Orange
