Photo essay: a Christmas Eve Evening in Dahab

During special holidays popular travel destinations are either full or empty. Sadly in this case, it's almost empty. Most likely the culprit is post-revolution publicity. Nevertheless, the people here remain hopeful that tourism will make its way back to this "chilled out" town. 

I went for a walk up and down Dahab's promenade for a photo safari to capture how tourism took a plunge for the worse during the final holiday season of 2013. During my solo stroll, workers from restaurants and souvenir shops unsuccessfully attempted to lure me into their business. But a simple "no thanks" and "I already ate" only elicited smiles and friendly responses wishing me a Merry Christmas. 

Typically holidays steer me toward the depressing side, but Dahab's resilience has made me feel the opposite. 

Bedouin Lounge. Sheesha for only 10 Egyptian pounds!

Showing love for Dahab.

A festive touch made from wood shavings.

This pool has seen better days. But then again it's kind of chilly at night.
