Cheat the Heat in Joshua Tree: Camping in the Summer

Camping in the summer is dreadful because of the heat. Summer is a time to explore, but high temperatures, crowds, and monsoon season can deter you away from camping major parks like Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Death Valley and Zion. Fortunately there's a solution (and a rather quick one) if you want to camp and you happen to live in the LA or OC area.

Joshua Tree National Park is one my favorite places in the world, and only a 2.5 hour drive from Orange County. Yes, it is terribly hot during the day but the evening is perfect. This is what I did and I suggest anyone who wants to get away for the night to do the same:

  • The drive. If driving from LA/OC, leave around 2 or 3pm, or try to get to Joshua Tree shortly before sunset (7:30pm).  
Enter the park through the West Entrance. Exit the South Entrance at Cottonwood Springs
  • Upon arrival. Set up camp and fire and enjoy some beers. You will need a light sweater in case you get a little chilly. But most likely sleeping in the tent can be a little warm. All campsites are first-come, first-serve. Since summer is low season, there is no shortage of available campsites. I suggest camping at Jumbo Rocks. More info about Jumbo is below.
  • The next morning. Break down camp shortly after waking up. Leave no trash behind!
  • Sightseeing - only if you have AC in you car! Joshua Tree is like a drive thru park. You stop by certain spots, park, look, take photos, and leave. Since you will be in the car most of the time, heat exhaustion will likely not be an issue. To look at the sights, follow the signs that steer you toward the 10 fwy
I know it's a short time to enjoy an amazing place, but it's better short than not going at all

Why I suggest camping at Jumbo Rocks. This campsite is surrounded by incredible rock formations. If you camp within sites 17-22, there's a juniper tree a few feet away from a 10 feet standing rock. You will have to walk a few yards behind a group of standing rocks to find this site. This is a great place to explore and walk. There is no running water. There are vault toilets (non-flushing) that are very clean. 

BFF's: Juniper Tree and Lone Standing Rock

A few more suggestions:
  • Try to go when there's a full moon.
  • Bring a tripod for you camera. Night photography is a must!
  • Don't overpack. Your stay will be very short and sweet
  • Check out the weather report. There are occasional thunderstorms and flash flood warnings.
  • Bring plenty of water. Some campgrounds don't have running water.
Jumbo Rocks, sites 17-22

It's that same Juniper Tree and more rocks.

Full moon, campfire, and creepy guy on the rock taking photos.
