Day 29: Waking up in Kibuye

I’m not sure when I went to bed last night, but boy, I had a wonderful sleep. I’m guessing that I slept at 8 pm.  It’s very peaceful here as I am sitting at the patio waiting for my breakfast – minus that the loud crows with the white vest.

There are a lot of locals staying here in St. Jean. I’m not sure if they’re here for some kind of religious retreat or if they live here. 

My clothes are bearably stinky. It’s both gross and liberating at the same time. I like how I can be gross by my lack of clean clothes and disheveled appearance without being judged.  If warm showers were easily accessible, I take advantage of them. However the beauty of independent traveling is detachment from worldly possession back home, and warm showers would be considered one.
Since I haven’t found another traveler here that I can hang out with, I’m planning to walk around by the lake.

It’s so quiet here. I wish I had someone to talk to. At lonely times like this, I ask myself “what the heck am I doing here?”  That’s why I can’t stay here beyond tonight. I need western human contact.  However by the end of the experience of solitude, I know that I won’t be in this special town of Kibuye for a long time.
That’s one hard aspect of solo travelling: there are times when it goes so lonely you yearn for companionship and start appreciating the abusive relationships back home. But at the end you realize that you don’t need much to be happy.
