Day 28: Arriving in Kibuye

I woke up this morning to hundreds of ants in my tent. They didn’t bother me for the most part because they didn’t interfere with my sleep or infested any of my personal belongings. Besides I wasn’t returning to that tent for the rest of day because I was leaving for Kibuye. But before heading out to Kibuye, I went back to the Kimironko Market to pick up my custom pants and hoodie.

The hoodie came out wonderful.  Elastic on the bottom of my pants sleeves were tighter than I wanted them to be. I’ll probably come back to Josephine to get them a little looser. I’ll also think about whether or not to get another of pair of pants done while I’m in Kibuye.
Kibuye is a little town 2 ½ hours away from Kigali by Lake Kivu. According to “Lonely Planet” Kibuye had the highest percentage of Tutsis who were massacred. 

I was warned about the winding bus ride being an occasional vomit fest. Luckily I have Dramamine in my portable medicine cabinet to prevent motion sickness.
The direction on the bottle said to take 1 to 2 tables every 4 to 6 hours. But of course, I want the maximum benefit so I ingested 2.  As an extra combat against motion sickness, I scurried to a window seat in the front of the bus, where there was no seat to my immediate back, just the passenger door, another strategic move in case some behind me barfs.
The pills knocked me out in less the half an hour. I struggled to stay up to admire the lush green hills, but succumbed to my sleepiness.  I think I will take only 1 pill on the return trip to Kigali.
It was about 3:30pm when the mini bus arrived in Kibuye and I was tired as a lazy fat cat.

Upon the suggestion of a couple of traveling buddies, I came to the St. Jean hostel.  A bed in a dorm cost 2,000 francs, which comes to about 3-4 USD.  To my surprise, there was no one in that dorm. Looks like I have a private room for tonight. There’s also no mosquito net, so I hope that means there’s not mosquitos around here.

St. Jean is a pretty big establishment for a budget accommodation. It’s also pretty dead here.  The staff is bigger that the mzungu presence.  However the beautiful view of the lake makes up for the lack of liveliness.
Originally I was planning to come here with lovely Judith, but work took her by surprise today.

Dorm: 2000 francs
Dinner: 3000
Bus ride: 2600
Total: 13 USD
