Day 22: Bye Uganda, Hello Rwanda, 7/11/12

It was a nice 16 day run in Uganda. I met great people, saw amazing scenery and shared some unforgettable experiences.
Although I could've stayed back in Uganda and hung out with some fun friends, I decided that it was time to move on to another adventure and another country. So onward to Rwanda.

Before I arrived here, I stayed in Mgahinga National Park for two nights at a charming campsite without flushing toilets or sinks. I shared a dorm with 3 other travellers I met along the way.

During my 2 day stay in Mgahinga, I climbed the inactive volcano of Mt. Sabinyo and trekked the endangered golden monkeys.

Before parting ways with my new friends, we had a late lunch at a local restaurant, said our good byes and hugged.

Right now in Kigali, I'm alone and haven't really bonded with anyone at the hostel. Although I miss my new friends, I know that we must part ways and that awesome things will happen. I hope I will meet new traveling companions to the end of my trip, but if I don't that's okay. I can use the alone time to reflect on life and write.


2 day tab damage in Mgahinga: 74,000
Volcano trek: 60 USD
Golden Monkey trek: 50 USD
Boda-boda border: 14,000 Uganda Shillings
Lunch: 5,000

Total: 147 USD (over 2 days)
