Day 18: Arrival in Lake Bunyonyi, 7/7/12

I’m so tired. I think I overpacked.

It’s getting harder to carry my bags during transit between towns. I need to make a trip to REI to invest in better traveling gear.
We left Kampala on the 1 am Jaguar Coach, which was one of the worst bus rides of my life. The driver opened his window which made the entire bus freezing cold. The music on the bus loud. There were 3 passengers seated in my row, with me sandwiched in the middle.  The man sitting to my left looked agitated because 2 Mzungos were sitting to his left. He rested his elbow annoyingly into my ribs. Nevertheless I was satisfied that the bus got us to Kabale on time at about 7am.  From Kabale my group of 4 hired a taxi to take us to the port so that we can catch a motorboat to the island where we booked our accomodations.

The journey here to this island in Lake Bunyonyi was rough, but the relaxing atmosphere made it worth it. So far this there’s not a lot of biting mosquitos, and I haven’t had the need for insect repellant.

Travelling in Africa is challenging. Buses are uncomfortable, and transport between towns can be limited. The best option to get to your destination is by special hire taxi, but that option is expensive when your traveling alone. Fortunately I am traveling with a group of pleasant people.

Bus ticket: 30,000
Taxi: 5,000
Motorboat: 5,000
Dorm: 15,000
Breakfast: 5,000
Lunch: 9,500
Laundry: 5,000

Total: $26 USD
