Day 9: 2nd day of Kampala, 6/28/12

I’m happy that I am safe, secure, and comfortably gathering my bearings at a leafy accommodation. I feel so fresh and clean after that disgusting bus ride from Arusha. I’ve enjoyed a lazy day doing nothing productive. It’s a wonderful breather to station myself where I’m rooted in one place, and not up and go constantly.
It feels like home when I’m at a hostel, meeting new people from all over the world. I feel more at home at places like these then I ever had back home.
Since it’s summer, I don’t have work or school. If I’m going to be lazy, I’d rather be lazy here in Africa then back in the states.  Of course the communal bathrooms are gross and I can’t walk around barefoot, but it’s worth the serenity and detachment of the unnecessary worries back home. Therefore putting up with the third world grossness is not a big deal for me. It puts the first world problems to shame. 
First world problems include:
  • Not finding close parking spots
  • Not being able to go to Cancun for spring break
  • Not finding a shirt in the right size
  • When your waiter gets your order wrong
  • Friends don't invite you out
  • Etc.
This is why I'm perpetually lured to third world peace.
    Making myself at home in my lovely dorm, shared with 10 other people
Red Chilli Hideaway, Kampala

Breakfast: 5,000 / 2 USD
Lunch: 8,000 / 3.20
Water: 2,000 / 0.80
Dinner: 12,000 / 4.80
Dorm: 8 USD

TOTAL: 18.80 USD
