Day 8: Arriving in Kampala, 6/27/12

If I had to describe how I feel as I arrived at the hostel in Kampala, it's gross and hungry. The bus ride was uncomfortable but bearable. The trip took more than 20 hours to get here from Arusha, Tanzania. I haven't fully gotten over my disgust for bus stop squat toilets. But after 15 hours of holding it in, I had to go to the toilet. Surprisingly it wasn't so bad. And boy was it a wonderful relief.

I met a quirky girl at the bus station back in Arusha. She's only 16, from China, and loves adventure. I'm really impressed by her fearlessness of solo traveling at such a young age. What's even more impressive is that she was robbed by a group of men while crossing the Tanzanian-Kenyan border, yet was not phased by the experience. She laughed it off and was able to get donations for her travel funds by sympethetic bystanders who heard her story. 

After arriving at the Kampala Coach bus stop in Kampala, we had to find the old taxi port to catch a minibus to our hostel. The journey was laborious because I carried 40 pounds worth of luggage. Frustated that I seem to have overpacked, I trudged looking for where to find the minibus to Buligogi was.

After what seem like an eternity of city trekking, we found the minibus and were well on our way to the Red Chilli Hostel. The minibus dropped us of in front of a gas station and a helpful man pointed us toward the direction of our hostel. It was up the hill, past an old soap factory.

I was so relieved when we got to the hostel. I felt like I was trekking across the desert with no water and food for days.


minibus taxi to hostel: 800 USX /  0.33 US
Sodas: 4000 / 1.60
Lunch: 10,000 / 4
Dinner: 3000 / 1.2
Dorm: 8

Total:  15.13 USD
